About Us
Evangelical Churches Fellowship of Ethiopia (ECFE) is an umbrella organization with a view to increase coordination of member church activities for the promotion of fellowship and cooperation in Ethiopia.
ECFE’s membership has now increased to 93 denominations, 74 Para-church organizations with in Ethiopia and 18 Ethiopian evangelical churches in Diaspora are represented as associate members.
ECFE’s membership has now increased to 93 denominations, 74 Para-church organizations with in Ethiopia and 18 Ethiopian evangelical churches in Diaspora are represented as associate members.
Our Story
The history of the Evangelical Churches Fellowship of Ethiopia goes back to the early 1970s. Some evangelical through inter-church prayer meetings attempted to bring all churches together in 1970-72. The most significant event considered by many church leaders as the cornerstone for the initiation of the fellowship was Evangelical churches union conference in 1977, while many agreed that this event laid the foundation towards the Fellowship, the gathering of evangelical constituency during the Prayer at Lideta Mekaneyesusu has been the most substantial factor towards the strengthening of the Fellowship.
The communist regime that came into power in 1974 banned all evangelical practices. This political reality then forced the evangelical church institutions to accept and work towards the establishment of the Fellowship as a necessity of survival. This strong belief in the establishment of an umbrella association was not only concentrated in head offices of the churches, but also to a wide extent to the local churches all over the country.
Another historical event that contributes to the foundation of the fellowship is the 1976 evangelical churches conference held at Nazareth on the month of September. At the same year the Fellowship established having 9 evangelical churches as a founding member and first constitution was drafted. After the establishment, the Fellowship leaders had to go through a period of imprisonment and torture by the communist state. Even in such situations, they managed to conduct frequent meetings, follow-up and deliver spiritual and physical support and guidance to member church leaders.
God answered prayers in the removal of the communist regime in Ethiopia in 1991, allowing the preaching of the gospel and the worship of God to be practiced with official recognition. Just 1 year before the change in government, in 1990, the Evangelical Churches Fellowship conducted its 2nd General Assembly and revised the constitution and established a Secretariat. This decision, coupled with the official recognition to operate as an Association form the Ministry of Justice on 27th of June, 1991.
— Our Mission
Equip members to fulfill the goal of the Great Commission through capacity building, advocacy and peace building.
— Our Vision
Churches united in Christ and equipped in fulfilling the Great Commission in Ethiopia and beyond.
— Core Value
Unity | Holiness | Serving the whole person | Integrity and transparency | Good governance | Peace and justice | Responsiveness | Servant hood